The Gynaecologic Surgical Oncology department at Sir H. N. Reliance Foundation Hospital and Research Centre offers treatment for cancers of ovary, cervix, uterus, endometrium, vulva and vagina
Set to function as a major referral centre, nationally and internationally for Surgical Oncology services, the Hospital provides comprehensive diagnosis and treatment for gynaecologic cancer patients. Our dedicated set of medical, surgical and radiation oncologists and medical professionals offer a wide range of services like early detection, surgical procedures, rehabilitation, counselling as well as prevention.
Technology & Infrastructure

Thorough planning has gone for creating world class infrastructure and procuring cutting edge technology for our department.
Our high-class modular operation theatres enable us to conduct the most advanced and complicated surgical procedures. Our surgical team is assisted by sophisticated diagnostic services and well equipped Intensive Care units (ICUs) manned with qualified senior consultants to ensure better outcomes. The diagnostic department at Sir H. N. Reliance Foundation Hospital and Research Centre has advanced equipment for MRI, PET etc. The hospital also has Advance Laparoscopic set and Colposcopy machine to diagnose and treat uterine cervix related problems.
To keep abreast with the cutting edge technology in Cancer Surgery, the hospital has a da-Vinci Robotic system and a Hybrid operation theatre with Digital Subtraction Angiography (DSA). The Centre for Rehabilitation Medicine at the hospital is equipped with latest physiotherapy equipment.
- Preventive oncology
- Colposcopy, LEEP, Cryo cauterization ,Conisation, PAP smear and HPV testing for early diagnosis and treatment of premalignant conditions of cervix, vulva & vagina
- in High risk groups : Clinical examination, Transvaginal Ultrasound & Ca-125 for early diagnosis of Ovarian cancer (high risk group)
- Systematic follow up with Transvagina sonography in high risk group for endometrial cancer
- Lectures & counselling for cancer prevention and early detection
- Awareness Camps ,lectures and counselling for cancer awareness
- Genetic counselling and testing
- Fertility preserving surgery like Radical trachelectomy, ovary preserving cystectomy, ovarian transposition for suitable selected patients
- Hyperthermic Intra-peritoneal chemotherapy ( HIPEC) & post-operative Intra-peritoneal (IP) chemotherapy through port for Ovarian cancer
- Extensive debulking staging laparotomy and Peritonectomy for Ovarian cancer
- Nerve sparing Radical Hysterectomy (Robotic/Open) for Cervical and Endometrial cancer
- Systematic radical surgery for endometrial cancer
- With help of intra-operative frozen section for accurate diagnosis & decision making during surgery
- For Suspected Ovarian cancer cases diagnostic Laparoscopic (key hole) followed by frozen section and SOS completion surgery laparoscopic/open
- Cervical cancer advice & vaccination
- Radical Vulvectomy, inguinal lymph node dissection with reconstruction for Vulvar cancer
- Radical Vaginectomy
- Completion surgery/ adjuvant treatment for incomplete treatment done outside
- Palliative surgery in advance stage cancer patients
- Compassionate care in terminal cases
- Anterior/ Posterior/ Total Exenteration surgery for extensive cancer of cervix, ovary or vagina
- Psychosexual counselling, guidance & Rehabilitation
Partners in care
Dr. Sanket S. Mehta
Surgical Oncology
DNB, Surgery, PHO- BMT fellowship (NUH, Singapore), ECMO (European Certified Medical Oncologist), Clinical Research Fellowship in TMH, Mumbai, IOP Fellowship,
St Jude Children’s Hospital, PDCR (Professional Diploma in Clinical Research), Professional certification in CART cell and Gene therapy ( Singapore)
Dr. Prashant Nyati
MBBS, D.N.B (Obstetrics and Gynaecology)
Dr. Richa Bansal
Consultant Gynecological Oncosurgeon & Robotic surgeon
Surgical Oncology
MBBS, MS (Obs & Gyn), DNB, Mch Gynecological Oncology ( Tata Memorial Hospital, Mumbai )