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MR Fusion Prostate Biopsy

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Sir H. N. Reliance Foundation Hospital is committed to technological advancements by incorporating high-end prostate biopsy equipment. Prostate cancer is a common cancer in industrial countries and its incidence is rising in India. Early diagnosis is crucial, as it is completely curable if detected early. Serum PSA is a blood test that, if elevated, requires further testing such as MRI and prostate biopsy to confirm the diagnosis.

The conventional method of transrectal ultrasound guided prostate biopsy has drawbacks, including the risk of severe bacterial infection, limited accessibility, and potential bleeding. The new technology, MRI fusion prostate biopsy, eliminates these risks and offers several benefits:


  • Reduced infection risk: The biopsy needle travels through the skin, not the rectal lining, making infection virtually non-existent.
  • Targeted biopsies: The urologist can target only the abnormal lesion, reducing the need for multiple biopsies.
  • Superior and improved cancer detection rate: MRI fusion biopsy has a higher cancer pick-up rate compared to conventional methods.
  • No rectal bleeding: There is no risk of rectal bleeding after the procedure.
  • Improved accessibility: The entire prostate gland can be targeted, reducing the risk of missing cancer areas.
  • Faster treatment: After diagnosis, radical prostate removal can be performed within days without the risk of damaging the rectum.


Dr. Santoshi Nagaonkar

Director - Urology, Urological Oncology & Robotic Surgery
Sir H. N. Reliance Foundation Hospital

Case Study

Mr. Rai presented to Dr. Santoshi Nagaonkar with a PSA report of 9ngs normal range being (3.5ngs for his age). About 3 months before his PSA was 7.5ngs and he already had an MRI and standard prostate biopsy elsewhere.

After availing a detailed history and clinical examination, Dr. Nagaonkar realized that Mr. Rai’s MRI had shown the abnormal suspicious prostate lesion in transitional zone of prostate (which isn’t easily accessible with TRUS biopsy). Mr. Rai was counseled and Dr. Nagaonkar discussed with him the option of doing Fusion MR Prostate Biopsy. Since Mr. Rai already had several samples taken out from his prostate, Dr. Nagaonkar decided to target only the abnormal area of his prostate and that was made possible using the MR Fusion biopsy. Mr. Rai’s biopsy report revealed an intermediate risk prostate cancer which was in a curable stage. He subsequently underwent a Robotic Assisted Radical Prostatectomy (complete prostate removal) and has been deemed cancer free at this stage.




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