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Pancreatic Stones Centre

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Non-surgical treatment of ‘Pancreatic Stones’ - Now a reality in India!

Sir H. N. Reliance Foundation Hospital launches India’s first ‘Dornier Delta III Pro ESWL & EMS Thulium LASER for Pancreatic Stones and Chronic Pancreatitis

India’s first ‘Dornier Delta III Pro Shock Wave Lithotripsy’ and the world’s first Thulium powered ‘LASER’ machines are going to be a great boon for patients in India having pancreatic stones that can now be treated very effectively using a non-surgical technique!
Padma Shri Dr. Amit Maydeo Chair – Institute of Gastrosciences

Technology & Infrastructure


What is special about the Pancreas Stone Centre?

A dedicated centre was the need of the hour as pancreatic stones are very commonly seen in our country and are very difficult to treat without surgery. Using the world’s latest & India’s first ESWL and LASER technology now these stones can be treated without surgery.

What is ‘ESWL’ technology and how does it benefit the patient?

Using ESWL, the hard pancreatic stones can be crushed into a powder from outside without any external cut. It uses electromagnetic shock wave technology and pulverises the stones into a powder of less than 5mm size. Once this is done, the crushed stones can be removed using an endoscopic technique called ERCP.Using ESWL, the hard pancreatic stones can be crushed into a powder from outside without any external cut. It uses electromagnetic shock wave technology and pulverises the stones into a powder of less than 5mm size. Once this is done, the crushed stones can be removed using an endoscopic technique called ERCP.

When is ‘LASER’ used for removing pancreatic stones?

If the stones are too hard to be crushed by ESWL, they can be identified and crushed directly by shooting them with the LASER beam. The crushed stones are then removed through an endoscope without surgery.

What is the benefit to the patient with this treatment?

Patients do not need to undergo a surgical procedure but get the entire treatment done without any external cut. The patient recovery and return to productive life is also faster. Because of the new technology and experience of the doctors, this non-surgical treatment can also be done for children as small as 3-year-old.

Institute of Gastrosciences,Sir H. N. Reliance Foundation Hospital, PrarthanaSamaj, Raja Rammohan RoyRoad, Girgaon, Mumbai - 400 004
For further enquiries, please call - Toll Free No.: 1800 890 1111 +91 8448440277 / +91 8356012081

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