Teenagers and Adolescents Clinic
As you enter from your ‘baby’ years to your ‘teenage and adolescent’ years you will notice many changes in yourself. Your mind and body will mature. These formative years will determine your future life and your overall wellbeing. This may be a challenging period in your life. But healthy habits will make you look & feel good and help you perform well in all your activities.
Keeping mentally and physically fit will lay the groundwork for your future health. These efforts will avoid diabetes, high blood pressure, heart disease, osteoporosis & some types of cancers later on in life
Clinical Services:
- Psychological counselling
- Skin, Hair and Acne Clinic
- Body Image Clinic for weight gain or weight loss, improvement of self-image and Obesity Clinic
- Vaccination – hepatitis B virus (HBV) and human papillomavirus (HPV) vaccination and counselling
- Nutrition Clinic : Advice about healthy food, vitamins & nutrients
- Birth control
- Counselling for sleep problems
- Exercise, Yoga, Mindfulness clinic
- Obesity clinic
Laboratory Services:
- Hormonal testing for Anti-Mullerian Hormone (AMH), Oestrogen, Progesterone, follicle-stimulating hormone (FSH), Luteinizing Hormone (LH), Testosterone
- Dexa Scan to evaluate bone loss
Who can benefit?
- Polycystic ovary syndrome (PCOS)
- Teenagers
- Adolescents
- Women in their early 20’s
- Teenagers with PCOS, acne, obesity, very lean girls, obese girls, skin problems, breast development problems, those seeking guidance for sexual issues & birth control
Holistic Rejuvenation Clinic
Integrative Dermatology is a perfect blend of Functional Medicine & Dermatology. It helps to understand the root cause of the disease and cure it with lifestyle changes and nutrition.The skin is a mirror that reflects systemic health; it is one of the earliest markers of systemic and autoimmune ailments. Helping to understand and customize a skin care regime and diet plan best suited to each individual is the aim of our holistic approach to skin. We deep dive into every pillar of health to help secure a healthy foundation on which radiant glowing skin is built. The integrative dermatology approach entails understanding hormonal balance along with your metabolic health.
Our approach helps to treat acne permanently by making life choices that help you prevent their recurrence.
- You understand your skin and unique acne triggers and develop a customized skin care regime and diet
- Nourish the skin with functional foods and herbs that help treat the inflammatory triggers
- Understand your cycles and hormones and their connection to acne breakouts
- Create an acne-safe skincare routine
- Balance Adrenal glands and reduce stress-related breakouts
- Boost gut health and restore a healthy gut flora to boost metabolism
- Support liver detoxification for glowing skin
- Understand how to use supplements to support the body and clear acne with antioxidant support
- Identify the root causes of your chronic acne and how to work with your body to find balance
Once the root cause is treated there are several options available to help treat acne marks and pigmentation including.
- Lasers
- Chemical peel
- Derma pen
- Platelet Rich Plasma Therapy
- Fillers
Hair loss:
It is an integrated approach with a detox diet. Hair is an organ of beauty and to a great extent helps build the confidence in the physical appearance of an individual. With the current lifestyle and dietary deficiencies, hair fall has become fairly common. Various nutritional deficiencies and hormonal imbalances play a crucial role in correcting and reversing hair loss. The hair follicle in itself is an organ requiring nourishment and care. Various autoimmune disorders like thyroid dysfunction first reflect as brittle hair.
Elimination of trigger foods that lead to inflammation in the body is essential to help restore harmony in the hair follicles.
Understanding nutritional deficiencies of selenium and zinc is important to improve texture and quality of hair. Hormonal harmony of predominantly male hormones can help prevent hair thinning and androgenic alopecia.
Once the hair loss is controlled, synergistic treatment to encourage hair follicles to yield healthy hair can be incorporated:
- Platelet-Rich Plasma (PRP)
- Mesotherapy
- Hair Follicular therapy
Ageing gracefully is always something that all men and women desire. Collagen breakdown and facial ageing is primarily controlled by our genetics. Recent advances in aesthetics, show that epigenetics (the effect of the environment on genetics) plays a very important role in ageing.
We can help our skin age well by consuming collagen boosting foods, using topical products that encourage the stimulation of collagen and consuming supplemental support that encourages collagen buildup.
There are several treatment options available for the same:
- Monoploar and Bipolar Radio frequency treatment to stimulate collagen like Thermage and Ulthera
- PRP or Vampire Facial
- Derma pen
- Er: Yag Laser
- Threads
- Fillers
- Botox
Our center specializes in offering you a Holistic Rejuvenation Program. Experts will guide you about the benefits of yoga, mindfulness, exercise and proper sleep. Many nutritional products and micronutrients also help in slowing down the ageing process. We will guide you as to what can be beneficial for you.
Imbalance of the thyroid hormone, male and female hormones and high Blood Sugar can also slow down and age many organs in the body.
Our life coaches and experts have expertise in skin and hair nourishment through several techniques including the use of Platelet Rich Plasma (PRP), antioxidant therapy and right nutrition.
We look forward to introducing a younger and healthier You.
Assisted Reproductive Technology (ART)
Our team has highly experienced IVF specialists, Embryologists, Andrologists, Counselors, technologists, nurses and Ancillary staff. The Nursing staff, Counselors, Administrative personnel are equipped to take all your needs into consideration. Having the experience & the right disposition, we will provide you with world-class facilities & treatment options to fulfil your dreams.
- Hormone tests, Pre-IVF testing, Fertility checkup package
- Semen testing using CASA: Computer Assisted Semen Analysis
- DNA fragmentation index (DFI) testing
- M-SOME: Motile Sperm Organelle Morphology Testing
- Ovarian Reserve Testing
- Assessment of quality of embryos with a no-touch closed environment technique with video documentation
- Selection of the best embryos for implantation utilizing Artificial Intelligence & Deep Machine learning
- Electronic witnessing system to document all procedures in the laboratory
- Alarm system for the cryopreservation units
- RFID (Radio frequency identification) for the cryotanks
- Time Lapse Technology
- Vitrification & slow freezing for egg, embryo, sperm, testicular tissue & ovarian tissue freezing
- Electronic recording of all processes & procedures including patient's history and reports
- TV systems for video demonstration
Clinical services:
- Air handling units for clean & sterile air. Positive pressure system for sterility of all laboratory & OT areas
- Two fully equipped operation theaters for egg retrieval & embryo transfer and a modern recovery room for daycare monitoring
- Sonography rooms for follicular monitoring, pelvic ultrasound by 2D, 3D & 4D techniques and Color Doppler monitoring
- Intrauterine insemination rooms
- Counseling services
- Area for Yoga, Mindfulness, Acupressure, Acupuncture, Body rejuvenation
- Doctors consulting rooms with ensured privacy for patients
- Paperless clinic
- TV systems for patient demonstration of procedures
- Special clinics for Obesity, PCOS, Endometriosis, Pre Laparoscopy and Pre Hysteroscopic evaluation, Premature Ovarian Insufficiency, Menopause and Rejuvenation
- Clinic for Ovarian and Endometrial Rejuvenation using PRP and Stem cells
- Treatment of Asherman’s syndrome with stem cell instillation
- Hormone Replacement Therapy (HRT)
Laboratory Services
- Intrauterine Insemination (IUI)
- In Vitro Fertilization (IVF)
- Intracytoplasmic Sperm Injection (ICSI)
- Intracytoplasmic morphologically selected sperm injection (IMSI)
- Physiological intracytoplasmic sperm injection (PICSI)
- Laser Assisted Hatching
- Blastocyst Culture
- Cumulus Aided Transfer
- Ultrasound-guided Embryo Transfer
- Pre-Implantation Genetic Testing for Aneuploidies (PGT-A), structural rearrangements (PGT-SR) & monogenic diseases (PGT-M)
- Time Lapse Incubation of embryos
- RI witnessing system
- Oocyte activation
- Oocyte, Embryo, Sperm, Ovarian tissue, Testicular tissue freezing
- Microfluidic sperm sorting
- Special program for ‘Empty Follicle Syndrome’ by Genomic Testing
Who can benefit?
- Couples with male factor & female factor infertility
- Patients with cancer for fertility preservation
- Adolescents requiring sperm & oocyte freezing
- Couples with genetic disorders
- Women who require social freezing of oocytes or embryos
- Women with diabetes, obesity, high blood pressure, premature ovarian failure
- Women with fibroids, endometriosis, pelvic inflammatory disease, women with genital TB, women with Mullerian Anomalies, women with absence of vagina
- Couples requiring psychological counseling
- Women with Premature Ovarian Failure or Diminished Ovarian Reserve
- Males with genetic disorders requiring sperm and testicular freezing
Ovarian Rejuvenation
Many young women are facing the challenge of low ovarian reserve of eggs. Lifestyle and environmental factors like, use of plastics and other products containing Endocrine Disrupting Chemicals are major contributors to this condition. A common observation in IVF is that women with Low Ovarian Reserve produce less number and poor quality of eggs resulting in the need for multiple IVF cycles, with less chances of success and sometimes even having to resort to the use of Donor eggs.
Our aim is to enhance your reproductive potential prior to your undergoing the IVF cycle. We will guide you on making healthy choices, lifestyle & dietary changes and taking antioxidant medication that can help improve your chances of success.
We will also advise you whether intraovarian Platelet Rich Plasma instillation (PRP) will benefit you. PRP is safe to use as it is prepared from your own blood. After processing it under sterile conditions in the laboratory, we will inject it into your ovary. This can be done either prior to starting an IVF cycle or at thetime of egg recovery. The procedure of PRP injection into the ovary may be repeated 2 to 3 times depending on your response. Research has pointed to the beneficial use of PRP. In order to improve the quality of your eggs, we may suggest some antioxidants for you, prior to your IVF cycle.
It is also important to remove all sources of plastics, teflon coated and non-stick pans for cooking and artificial additives in your food. Studies have shown the beneficial effects of Yoga on improving the quality of your eggs.
Egg Freezing for Fertility or Ovarian Cortex Cryopreservation (OTC)
Your Biological Insurance
Reproductive function declines with age. A woman's most fertile period is between 24 to 34 years of age and starts to slow down post the age of 36 years. Fecundity rapidly declines after the age of 40. If you wish to defer childbearing, it is important for us to guide you on suitable options. The size of your ovaries, the number of follicles in both the ovaries (Antral Follicle Count-AFC) ft the blood level of Anti Mullerian Hormone (AMH) will help us determine your Reproductive Potential and whether you should delay childbearing. This is particularly important for women who want to delay having a baby for a few years, especially if they are in their early and mid-thirties. Freezing of Eggs or Embryos is a wise choice. We will guide you regarding the right choices. Women suffering from some forms of cancer may also benefit from oocyte and embryo freezing under the guidance of their oncologist and our team.
For those women who have a very short time from their diagnosis of cancer to starting the chemotherapy, the technology of Ovarian Tissue or Ovarian Cortex freezing can help. For young girls diagnosed with Turner Syndrome, this is a good option. We have an international collaboration with Prof. Claus Anderson who has expertise in this field.
The male has a much longer reproductive life span. In males, sperm is produced even after the age of 80 years. However, for males who have low sperm counts, it is important to freeze their sperm for later use. Before an IVF procedure, we recommend that the male partner freezes a sample of his sperm to avoid any problem on the day of egg retrieval.
It is a good idea for young men who have Klinefelter's syndrome and other genetic disorders resulting in low sperm production to freeze their semen at an early age. Men suffering from cancer should ideally freeze several samples of their semen before radiotherapy and chemotherapy starts, in order to protect their Reproductive Potential. Testicular sperm and Epididymal sperm freezing is an option for those men who have Obstructive ft Non-obstructive Azoospermia.
The options of social freezing for women and freezing for medical indications for men become very viable.
Male Infertility
Male factor contributes to 50% of Infertility. We offer fully integrated diagnostic and treatment-oriented services for Male Infertility. Our team of experts includes Andrologists, IVF Specialists, Counselors and Embryologists to help you with the various aspects of fertility evaluation & treatment.
Our expertise covers all aspects for the diagnosis & treatment of Male factor infertility
Laboratory Services:
- Automated Computer Assisted Semen Analysis
- DNA Fragmentation Index testing
- MSOME- Motile Sperm Organelle Morphology Examination
- Semen Analysis by WHO Manual Editions V and VI
- Karyotyping
- Cystic Fibrosis Transmembrane Receptor (CFTR) Mutation testing
- Y Microdeletions testing
Diagnostic Services:
- Ultrasound examination for Varicocele & testicular function.
- Evaluation of male accessory sex glands
- Evaluation for Vas Aplasia & epididymis
- Evaluation for erectile dysfunction, anejaculation
- Hormonal and physical evaluation of testicular function
Therapeutic Services:
- Correction of varicocele
- Vasovasostomy, Vaso–epididymal anastomosis
- Percutaneous Epididymal Sperm Aspiration (PESA), Testicular sperm aspiration (TESA), Microscopic Testicular Sperm Extraction (Micro-TESE), Transurethral resection of the prostate (TURP), Laparoscopic varicocelectomy
IVF Options:
- Intracytoplasmic Sperm Injection (ICSI)
- Intracytoplasmic morphologically selected sperm injection (IMSI)
- PGT (Pre-implantation genetic testing)
- Semen freezing
- Testicular tissue freezing
Medical Options:
Treatment with appropriate hormone tablets like clomiphene citrate, letrozole and Injections of hCG and hMG
Who can benefit?
- Men with infertility
- Couples with unexplained infertility
- Older age men
- Men with previous Vasectomy
- Men with Erectile dysfunction
- Men with co-morbidities like obesity, diabetes, hypertension
- Men with chromosomal abnormalities like Klinefelters syndrome, Y chromosome microdeletions
- Adolescents with Hypothalamus pituitary dysfunction or nonfunction
- Men and young boys with various types of cancer, ainstead of & testicular cancer & genetic disorders requiring Sperm & testicular freezing
Endometriosis Clinic
Fully integrated specialty clinic with expert Laparoscopic Surgeons, Gynecologists, IVF specialists offering medical, surgical and IVF options including Laser & Robotic surgery. It is specially recommended for women with Bowel Endometriosis. We have Global experience in Bowel sparing surgery for Endometriosis.
Menopause Clinic
Menopause is that time in a woman’s life where there are many physical, hormonal & mental changes. Our centre is fully geared to help such women in this difficult time in their lives. Our team consists of Gynaecologists, Reproductive Endocrinologists, Laparoscopists, Physicians, Counselors, Diabetologists & Life Coaches.
As the woman passes the age of 40, there are additional stresses in her life such as looking after a growing family, caring for ageing parents and demands from her work and career. She may face bone loss, insomnia, night sweats, palpitation & uneasiness. As the body faces the prospect of menopause; rest, exercise & healthy eating should become the top priority. This is the time to improve fitness with muscle building & strength building exercises.
As she approaches the mid and late 40’s, she may need oestrogen and progesterone therapy. The 60’s & later ages are also critical to maintain her health & prevent degenerative diseases & cancer. Urinary bladder dysfunction, arthritis or memory loss can occur at this age. This is the right time to prevent these problems.
- Executive Health Check-Up: This Check-Up is very important as a preventive health measure. Many scans, screening tests, blood tests & sonography examinations are included for your benefit
- Pap smear & pelvic and abdominal ultrasound. Colposcopy if required
- Mammography
- Osteoporosis screening
- Colorectal examination
- Urinary Bladder studies
- Neurological examination
- Correction of Vitamin D, B12, Folic acid deficiencies
- Vaccinations: Please consult us regarding Pneumococcal, Varicella zoster, Hepatitis and Influenza vaccination
Who can benefit?
- Women in their 40’s, 50’s, 60’s and beyond

Well Women Centre Package
Wellness for Teen Girls (12 - 18 years) - Super
- Urine Routine
- Vitamin D(25-OH)
- Vitamin B12
- Erythrocyte Sedimentation Rate(ESR)
- Complete Blood Count(CBC)
- Fasting Blood Sugar(FBS)
- Thyroid stimulating hormone(TSH)
- Follicle stimulating hormone(FSH)
- Leutinizing hormone(LH)
- Insulin Fasting
- USG Abdomen
- Body analyzer
- Paediatric Consultation
- Ophthal Consultation
- Gynac Consultation
- Dietician Consultation
- Dental Consultation
- Dermatology Consultation
- Endocrinologist Consultation
- Counselling Consultation
- EHC Meal
To book an appointment call – 18008901111/ 022 35475858
Wellness for Teen Girls (12 - 18 years) – Exclusive
- Urine Routine
- Vitamin D(25-OH)
- Vitamin B12
- Erythrocyte Sedimentation Rate(ESR)
- Complete Blood Count(CBC)
- Fasting Blood Sugar(FBS)
- Thyroid stimulating hormone(TSH)
- Follicle stimulating hormone(FSH)
- Leutinizing hormone(LH)
- Insulin Fasting
- Clinical Exome
- USG Abdomen
- Body analyzer
- Paediatric Consultation
- Ophthal Consultation
- Gynac Consultation
- Dietician Consultation
- Dental Consultation
- Dermatology Consultation
- Endocrinologist Consultation
- Counselling Consultation
- EHC Meal
To book an appointment call – 18008901111/ 022 35475858
Healthy Women (19 - 24 years)
- Thyroid Profile Total T3 T4 TSH
- Free T4
- Prolactin active
- Mullerian Inhibiting Substance(AMH)
- Lipid Profile(maxi)
- Post Prandial Blood Sugar(PPBS)
- Fasting Blood Sugar(FBS)
- Glycosylated Haemoglobin(Glyco Hb/HbA1c)
- Haemoglobin Electrophoresis Studies
- Free T3
- Thyroid peroxidase/Microsomal Antibody(Anti-TPO)
- Thyroglobulin
- Testosterone Total
- Testosterone Free
- Sex hormone binding globulin(SHBG)
- USG Pelvis
- Counselling Consultation
- Gynac Consultation
- EHC Meal
To book an appointment call – 18008901111/ 022 35475858
Build Your Family - Couple Package (25 - 40 years)
Build Your Family- Female- Age 25 to 39
- Mullerian Inhibiting Substance(AMH)
- Thyroid stimulating hormone(TSH)
- Complete Blood Count(CBC)
- Random Blood Sugar( [RBS)
- Total T3
- Total T4
- Free T4
- Erythrocyte Sedimentation Rate(ESR)
- USG Pelvis
- Gynac Consultation
- Counselling Consultation
Build Your Family- Male- Age 25 to 40
- Semen Routine
- Thyroid stimulating hormone(TSH)
- Complete Blood Count(CBC)
- Random Blood Sugar( [RBS)
- USG Scrotum
- Andrology Consultation
To book an appointment call – 18008901111/ 022 35475858
Healthy Women between 40 - 49 years – Super
- Stool Routine
- Stool for occult blood x 3
- Urine Routine
- Thyroid stimulating hormone(TSH)
- Vitamin D(25-OH)
- Vitamin B12
- CA 125
- Complete Blood Count(CBC)
- Lipid Profile(mini)
- Glycosylated Haemoglobin(Glyco Hb/HbA1c)
- Counselling Consultation
- Random Blood Sugar( [RBS)
- Pap Test(LBC)
- CA 19 9
- Ca 15 3
- Carcinoembryonic Antigen(CEA)
- USG Pelvis
- Mammography Bilateral
- Full Body DEXA-BMD
- Yoga classes
- AFP (Alpha Feto Protein)
- Renal Profile
- OPD Consultation
- OPD Consultation - Dietician
- Counselling
To book an appointment call – 18008901111/ 022 35475858
Healthy Women between 40 - 49 years – Exclusive
- Stool Routine
- Stool for occult blood x 3
- Urine Routine
- Thyroid stimulating hormone(TSH)
- Vitamin D(25-OH)
- Vitamin B12
- CA 125
- Complete Blood Count(CBC)
- Lipid Profile(mini)
- Glycosylated Haemoglobin(Glyco Hb/HbA1c)
- Random Blood Sugar( [RBS)
- Pap Test(LBC)
- CA 19 9
- Ca 15 3
- Carcinoembryonic Antigen(CEA)
- USG Pelvis
- Mammography Bilateral
- Full Body DEXA-BMD
- Yoga classes
- AFP (Alpha Feto Protein)
- Renal Profile
- Easy Check 360
- OPD Consultation
- OPD Consultation - Dietician
- Counselling
To book an appointment call – 18008901111/ 022 35475858
Healthy Women between 50 - 59 years – Super
- Stool Routine
- Stool for occult blood x 3
- Urine Routine
- Thyroid stimulating hormone(TSH)
- Vitamin D(25-OH)
- Vitamin B12
- CA 125
- Complete Blood Count(CBC)
- Lipid Profile(mini)
- Glycosylated Haemoglobin(Glyco Hb/HbA1c)
- Random Blood Sugar( [RBS)
- Pap Test(LBC)
- CA 19 9
- Ca 15 3
- Carcinoembryonic Antigen(CEA)
- USG Pelvis
- Mammography Bilateral
- Full Body DEXA-BMD
- Yoga classes
- AFP (Alpha Feto Protein)
- Renal Profile
- OPD Consultation
- OPD Consultation - Dietician
- Counselling
To book an appointment call – 18008901111/ 022 35475858
Healthy Women between 50 - 59 years – Exclusive
- Stool Routine
- Stool for occult blood x 3
- Urine Routine
- Thyroid stimulating hormone(TSH)
- Vitamin D(25-OH)
- Vitamin B12
- CA 125
- Complete Blood Count(CBC)
- Lipid Profile(mini)
- Glycosylated Haemoglobin(Glyco Hb/HbA1c)
- Random Blood Sugar( [RBS)
- Pap Test(LBC)
- CA 19 9
- Ca 15 3
- Carcinoembryonic Antigen(CEA)
- USG Pelvis
- Mammography Bilateral
- Full Body DEXA-BMD
- Yoga classes
- AFP (Alpha Feto Protein)
- Renal Profile
- Easy Check 360
- OPD Consultation
- OPD Consultation - Dietician
- Counselling
To book an appointment call – 18008901111/ 022 35475858
Healthy Women above 60 – Super
- Stool Routine
- Stool for occult blood x 3
- Urine Routine
- Thyroid stimulating hormone(TSH)
- Vitamin D(25-OH)
- Vitamin B12
- CA 125
- Complete Blood Count(CBC)
- Lipid Profile(mini)
- Glycosylated Haemoglobin(Glyco Hb/HbA1c)
- Random Blood Sugar( [RBS)
- Pap Test(LBC)
- CA 19 9
- Ca 15 3
- Carcinoembryonic Antigen(CEA)
- USG Pelvis
- Mammography Bilateral
- Full Body DEXA-BMD
- Yoga classes
- AFP (Alpha Feto Protein)
- Renal Profile
- Easy Check 360
- OPD Consultation
- OPD Consultation - Dietician
- Counselling
To book an appointment call – 18008901111/ 022 35475858
Healthy Women above 60 – Exclusive
- Stool Routine
- Stool Occult blood x 3
- Urine Routine
- Thyroid stimulating hormone(TSH)
- Vitamin D(25-OH)
- Vitamin B12
- CA 125
- Pap Test(LBC)
- Complete Blood Count(CBC)
- Lipid Profile(mini)
- Glycosylated Haemoglobin(Glyco Hb/HbA1c)
- Random Blood Sugar( [RBS)
- CA 19 9
- Ca 15 3
- AFP (Alpha Feto Protein)
- Renal Profile
- Easy Check 360
- Carcinoembryonic Antigen(CEA)
- USG Pelvis
- Yoga classes
- Mammography Bilateral
- Full Body DEXA-BMD
- OPD Consultation
- Counselling
- Diet
To book an appointment call – 18008901111/ 022 35475858
Wellness for Teen Boys (12 - 18 years)
- Vitamin D(25-OH)
- Vitamin B12
- Erythrocyte Sedimentation Rate(ESR)
- Complete Blood Count(CBC)
- Fasting Blood Sugar(FBS)
- Free T4
- Thyroid stimulating hormone(TSH)
- Calcium
- Alkaline Phosphatase(ALP)
- Alanine Aminotransferase(ALT or SGPT)
- Body analyzer
- OPD Consultation - Paediatric Consultation
- OPD Consultation- Ophthal Consultation
- OPD Consultation - Dietician Consultation
- OPD Consultation- Dental Consultation
- OPD Consultation- Dermat Consultation
- OPD Consultation- Paed. Endocrinologist
- OPD Consultation-Counselling
- EHC Meal
To book an appointment call – 18008901111/ 022 35475858
Healthy Men (19 - 24 years)
- Stool Routine
- Urine Routine
- Complete Blood Count(CBC)
- Alanine Aminotransferase(ALT or SGPT)
- Aspartate Aminotransferase(AST or SGOT)
- Lipid Profile(mini)
- Post Prandial Blood Sugar(PPBS)
- Fasting Blood Sugar(FBS)
- Creatinine
- Total Bilirubin
- Semen Routine
- X RAY Chest PA
- Exercise Stress Test
- OPD Consultation- Ophthal Consultation
- OPD Consultation- Dental Consultation
- OPD Consultation- General Surgeon
- EHC Meal
To book an appointment call – 18008901111/ 022 35475858