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The Pediatric bone marrow transplant unit at Sir HN Hospital is one of the most modern transplant units and is equipped with the finest infrastructure and facilities. The unit provides comprehensive transplant services to patients for all kinds of conditions requiring transplant. The unit is geared up to do Allogeneic Match Related, Match Unrelated and Haploidentical Transplants.

The conditions for which BMT services are available are:

  • Leukemia
  • Immunodeficiency Diseases
  • Marrow Failures Syndromes
  • Aplastic Anemia
  • Hemoglobinopathies like Thalassemia Major
  • Autologous Transplants for Lymphomas , Solid Tumors like Neuroblastoma

During the transplant the patient stays in the Hepa filter positive pressure rooms. The availability of world class technology and high air exchange rates ensure very low infection rates in the unit. There is dedicated nursing team which is specifically trained in taking care of BMT patients.

Story of 6 year old child suffering from Idiopathic Severe Aplastic Anemia (SAA):
Severe Aplastic Anemia is a condition in which bone marrow fails to produce essential components of blood like RBC, white cells and platelets. Children suffering from SAA require frequent blood transfusion to maintain the haemoglobin and platelets. Lack of platelets can cause fatal bleeding, sometimes leading to CNS bleed and death. Repeated blood transfusions also makes the patient refractory to blood products. Any child suffering from SAA should undergo HLA typing and there should be search for match donor in the family. BMT is the cure and preferred treatment over immunosuppressive treatment for this condition. The cost of immunosuppressive treatment which includes ATG, cyclosporine and steroids is almost same as BMT in the long run and success rate with BMT is much higher 95% versus 50% with immunosuppressive treatment.

Rudra was affected by SAA. The diagnosis brought a jolt to the poor family whose only bread earner the boy’s father, was a daily wager. Mother was home maker and uneducated. Going almost once a week to the hospital and arranging for his blood transfusions was taking a toll on the family as father was losing his daily wages whenever he accompanied the child to hospital. It was emotionally and financially draining for the parents.

Fortunately, Rudra had a complete match in the family, his sister, who was ready to donate her stem cells. His life could be saved by doing bone marrow transplant. He was referred to us.

The child Rudra was then taken for the bone marrow transplant.

7th August 2017: Day of Rakshabandhan, when 9 year old sister saved the life of her brother by donating her stem cells.

On the auspicious day of Rakshabandhan, the day of celebration of eternal love between brother and sister, Rudra` s sister courageously underwent a procedure to become the saviour of her brother. She donated the stem cells which were then transfused to Rudra, giving him a new life. On Day 9, post transfusion, he engrafted well and his marrow started generating new functional hematopoietic cells.
Dr Shweta Bansal, Pediatric Haematologist and Oncologist, Rudra’s treating physician was relieved and said that Rudra can now lead a normal life; He would be free of blood transfusions and will not be required to visit the hospitals or miss his school; Like a normal child, of his age, he could have fun and play that a child of his age is entitled to.

23rd August 2017: Rudra’s Birthday and start of new life ahead which is free of transfusions

Rudra turned 7 on 23rd August. His birthday was celebrated, in the hospital’s children’s ward, with great enthusiasm by the medical team including the treating doctors, nurses and administrative team. He was discharged in a healthy state on 25th August 2017.

This successful procedure was possible only with the constant encouragement from our Medical Director, Dr. Gustad Daver and the senior management team.

The BMT team consisted of Haematologist Dr. Samir Shah, Pediatric Haematologist and Oncologist Dr. Shweta Bansal, Pediatric Surgeon Dr. Rasik Shah, Senior Pediatrician Dr. Mahesh Balsekar, Blood Bank in- charge Dr. Joyce Regi and Infection Specialist Dr. Shashikala Shivaprakash. Nursing staff under the leadership of nursing head Ms Ranjana Williams did superb work and Rudra had an uneventful and pleasant course during the transplant.

At Sir HN Reliance Foundation Hospital, it is our endeavour, through great team work and excellence supported by state-of-the-art infrastructure, to strive for health & happiness of a needy child in medical distress.

Pediatric Bone Marrow




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