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Dr Zaveri is a Consultant Orthopaedic Spine Surgeon with Sir H.N. Reliance Foundation Hospital. He has held several important positions in the past including Chairman – AOSpine, India and Member of it’s Asia Pacific Education Committee Board.
During international spinal cord society meeting in 2008, his paper was adjudged 2nd. He has been awarded best faculty for Spine in Asia Pacific, during AOSpine International Courses, Switzerland, 2006. He was also recognised as the best Spine Fellow during the ISSLS, Australia, 2000.
He has been the organizing Chairman of many scientific programs for AOSpine, Association of Spinal Surgeons of India and associated hospitals besides having contributed chapters in three books on diverse conditions related to spine.
15 of his papers have been published or accepted for publication. Scientific papers published/ accepted for publication. He has presented and been an invited speaker at several National and International symposiums. He is active in the community and regularly conducts awareness talks besides writing in Newspapers on common spine related problems.