What is AMT®?
Progenitor cells are a type of cells halfway between multipotent stem cells and specialized cells. They possess the potential to replicate, differentiate and secrete a set of factors that are specific to the type of tissue they belong to. AMT® uses the potential of progenitor and multipotent cells to secrete trophic and immunomodulatory factors in an impaired tissue that can benefit from their therapeutic power.
How is AMT® different to a PRP Treatment?
With the AMT® Protocol on AGA doctors obtain a micrograft solution that comes from skin biopsies that have the same embryological origin as the receptor site (homologous), meaning that the pathways activated with this procedure are much more specific than in a PRP treatment. Unlike PRP, the AMT® procedure generates a solution which contains not only growth factors, but also progenitor cells that remain in the patient's scalp. Those cells will be continuously delivering cytokines, chemokines and growth factors to enhance regenerative properties of the affected area, for years. As a result, the healing will be much more efficient, and the results will be better and last longer.