Breast Cancer is the most important ‘Woman’s Cancer’ on the planet
In our country, it is the most prevalent cancer in Urban women, and the second most common cancer in rural women.
Despite opportunities for early diagnosis, a significant proportion of patients still present late in our country
The management of breast cancer has evolved significantly over the last 25 years From a disease that spelt universal mutilation and morbidity, we are today able to restore normal quality of life in the majority
Approximately a fourth of all patients give a definite family history. The inheritance patterns are now better understood, permitting appropriate risk reducing efforts towards prevention
Breast cancer is widely thought to be a life-style disease, related to diet, obesity, stress and habits. Appropriate interventions could be beneficial
Advances in surgical management have resulted in a paradigm shift in which Breast Conservation is possible and safe in a large number of patients with early cancer.
Wherever mastectomy is advisable, Breast Reconstruction is possible, safe and can be offered to restore form and body image
Teamwork is essential. In all patients, multi-disciplinary treatment planning by Medical, Surgical and Radiation Oncologists results in optimal outcomes. Rehabilitation has come to play a crucial role at all stages of treatment and survivorship
A variety of benign conditions present in the breast, necessitating expert diagnosis and care
To create a “single stop” center for women with all issues relating to the breasts, with special emphasis on prevention, early diagnosis and comprehensive management of breast cancer.
Reliance Foundation Hospital has “all it takes”:
Complete and expert breast imaging for diagnosis and treatment planning
- Surgical expertise for the entire spectrum of breast surgery which includes:
HELP LINE: 24-Hr Assistance for all patients in need.
Patient Support:
Complete availability of all medication and merchandise under one roof, such as: External breast prostheses, special bras for post-surgical care, hairdos and wigs for hair loss, special garments for arm edema, etc.
Specialty nurse available for all needs and queries.
*Certain services are available only basis physicians valid prescription and for certain areas