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Lung Cancer may not produce any noticeable symptoms in the early stages, and many people aren’t diagnosed until the disease has advanced. However, certain Symptoms based on the age of the Patient and smoking habits can indicate the need to investigate further to diagnose or rule out lung cancer

  • Symptoms
  • Prevention
  • A prolonged cough which does not subside despite appropriate medication
  • Change in the pattern of cough: Smokers tend to have a cough which is more prolonged than the rest of the population. However, they need to keep an eye if there is a change in the pattern or there is excess mucus
  • Blood in the cough: Coughing of blood although maybe a sign of benign diseases, it is very important to get investigated to rule out lung cancer
  • Shortness of breath : A sudden change in the Status such as breathing difficulty or difficulty in climbing stairs or resting at short distances, could be an indication for fluid buildup or Lung collapse secondary to Lung cancer
  • Pain in the chest area: When lung cancer causes chest pain, the discomfort may result from a large tumor mass or spread to the chest wall, or the ribs.
  • Hoarse Voice: Change in the quality of voice which persists for long may be related to lung cancer can occur when the tumor affects the nerve that controls the voice box.
  • Weight Loss: An unintentional weight loss of 8-10 kgs in a short period of time may be associated with lung cancer or another type of cancer.
  • Bone pain: Lung cancer that has spread to the bones may produce pain in the back or in other areas of the body.
  • Headache: A headache may be a sign that lung cancer has spread to the brain.
  • Swelling of the face and neck: Sometimes, a lung tumor may create pressure on the main vein draining the Head Neck and face region (Superior vena cava). A compression of this blood vessel may cause swelling over the face and neck

Lung Cancer unfortunately cannot be prevented. Although the risk is extremely high in the smoking population, a small risk exists amongst the non-smokers also. The only way to pick up Lung cancer early is not to wait for the symptoms. Instead it is better to pick this disease at an earlier stage. The Lung cancer screening offers to pick up lung cancer at a stage before the symptoms develop. This is because once the Symptoms develop, the tumor is fairly large or has spread to the other organs. Lung Cancer screening is unfortunately not recommended for the non-smokers.

The risk reduction is by Not taking the cigarette at all