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Speciality Head & Neck Cancer Clinic

Most important and prevalent cancers in Indian males, third most prevalent cancers in Indian women.

Intimately related with tobacco habits. Important role of other chewing habits and oral hygiene.

Majority present with advanced staged disease. Prevention and early diagnosis play a pivotal role. Strike at all ages, and cause immense loss of productivity and life. Appropriate and individualized treatment crucial

Surgical advances enable effective treatment at all stages. Reconstructive efforts play a critical role in restoring function and aesthetics. Multi-disciplinary management has resulted in vastly improved outcomes. Rehabilitation crucial for restoring vital functions such as food intake, chewing, swallowing and speech

Our Mission:
To set up a “single stop” center to answer all needs of patients ‘at risk’ or afflicted by cancers of the mouth and throat, and provide a platform for prevention, early diagnosis, and quality of life restoration.

We have comprehensive capabilities and expertise:

Advanced Diagnostics:
Availability of complete radiologic and pathologic equipment and expertise to enable early diagnosis and accurate staging

Surgical Expertise:
A team capable of servicing all the complex needs of patients, families, and individuals at risk

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  • What is magnitude of the problem?
  • RFH Endocrine Tumors/Screening Clinic – Mouth & Throat Cancers/ Gynaecological Cancers Clinic? (Unique Selling Proposition).